National & International Consulting

Expert opinion/witness on technology infringement litigation cases to several US law firms


Appointed External Examiner of the Internet of Things MSc Program at Ulster University


Consultant to King Saud University in matters of RFID and other sensing and wireless technologies


External reviewer of the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, reporting to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

November 2011

Member of External Review Committee of a Computer Science department in the US


Expert advisor to The World Health Organization (WHO) on technical matters surrounding the World Report on Disability, a joint project of WHO and the World Bank


Member of the Technical Advisory Board, Microsoft Innovation Lab in Cairo (CMIC), Cairo, Egypt


Nomura Research Institute, Japan, June 2008, preliminary research into the open services platform project undertaken by the Taiwanese government

June 2008

Scientific advisor and an annual external reviewer of research programs to the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore


NTT DoCoMo Research Labs, San Jose, CA, 20032006, recruited members of technical staff in the networking and operating systems areas


Auburn University IT Center of Excellence, Strategic Plan Evaluation Committee member

March 2004